I'm a third-year game design student with a love for making the best projects possible :)
Below is the work I am most proud of!
Currently, I am working on project for University with a strong focus on the level design.
This game is called G-ASTRO shown on the left is an example of a level design which was made for the game. On the right is a demonstration of the design implimented within engine.
Murder at Monclair Heights
Pictured here is a design for a level in a murder mystery group project which I was the level designer and programmer for.
Level Design Documentation
Download DocumentProve you're the best detective by showing the police that "you don't need long investigations." Search for evidence in a 1940 historic penthouse of the Montclair family. Solve the murder of Augustus Montclair and show why only you can solve the crime.
Search for hidden treasure in French Catacombs to pay for your honeymoon.
Explore the Catacombs, searching through rooms and avoiding different types of skeletons until you find the treasure!
Get your friends to come on a walk with you before the storm comes to disintegrate them! You only have 2 minutes to get them all into your house.
Here is an example animation which I have made. All models, assets, and audio is original.
Here is an example of a transmedia AR product which I concepted.